Every Cup Has Its Story: Cafe Femenino Coffee
More amazing stuff to know
What's in the Cup? Glad you've asked.
- Grower: Smallholder Farmers of the Cafe Femenino Program
- Origin: Peru, Cajamarca, Lambayeque, Amazonas
- Processing method: Washed
- Varietal: Arabica
- Altitude: 1200-2000 MASL
- Habitat: Shade-grown
- Farmer certifications: Certified Organic, Fairtrade
- Grower relationship: Since 2018
Brewing methods that work best for this coffee.

We roasted this single-origin coffee to a medium roast level, focussing on the sweetness and caramel notes of the coffee.
Perfect for brewing at home for espresso, stovetop, batch brew, AeroPress and plunger coffee. Enjoy with or without milk.
Try our brew recipe. Or create your own.
Dose: 22g
Yield: 44g
Extraction ratio: 1 : 2
Extraction time: 28 - 32 seconds
Water temperature: 93.5oC
About the recipe
We used the Victoria Arduino Eagle One Prima and the Mythos MYG75 grinder to create this recipe for you. Try to replicate this recipe on your equipment or create your very own.
The dose is the amount of ground coffee that goes into the filter basket of your portafilter. Filter baskets come in different sizes. The size of your portafilter determines how much coffee (fill weight) it can hold. You don’t want to overfill or underfill the basket, as it will compromise the extraction.
The yield is how much delicious coffee you extract or, in order words, ends up in your cup.
And because you may have a different basket size than ours, you want to use a yield based on your dose and the given extraction ratio.
The extraction time tells you if the water has enough time to extract all the tasty goodness in the coffee. Adjusting your grind size will help you to achieve the suggested time in our recipe. You want to grind finer if you extract a yield in a shorter time. And grind coarser if you achieve the yield in a longer time than suggested.
Join our training courses.
Want to learn more about how to extract a tasty espresso? Join us for a fun and hands-on coffee course at our roastery in Melbourne.

Discover the Cafe Femenino story.
This delicious organic coffee is produced by women coffee growers in remote communities of Northern Peru. All coffee is shade-grown at high altitudes along steep slopes amongst bananas, mangos, cocoa and avocado trees naturally maintaining healthy soil and habitat.
Under the Café Femenino Program, which started in 2004 in Peru, women coffee growers harvest and sell their own coffee. Under this program, families' and communities' well-being, health and nutrition have profoundly improved, and women are increasingly recognised for their contribution. An integral part of the program is the work of its Foundation, which supports social and environmental projects among its coffee-growing communities.

Ethical coffee prices.
A coffee that is fairly traded.
One of the reasons the Cafe Femenino Program is hugely successful is the ethical coffee prices paid to farmers under the program. What do we mean by ethical coffee prices? All Café Femenino coffee is specialty coffee and carries Fairtrade and Organic Certifications. As such, coffee sold under the program attracts prices that are made up of:
- Fairtrade price (if that falls below the commodity price for coffee),
- Fairtrade premium,
- Premium for organic certified coffee,
- Café Femenino program premium, and
- Premium for the quality of the coffee.

Social projects we funded.
Funding for medicines and medical care.
23 Degrees has funded a Medical Emergency Fund available to Café Femenino coffee growers and their families in Northern Peru. The fund provides interest-free loans to families for out-of-pocket expenses when seeking medical treatment.
Whilst smallholder farmers are covered under the Peru public health system, the shortage of medicines and hospital budget constraints mean that many families are left to fend for themselves or with large out-of-pocket expenses.
Compounding these issues is the traditionally long cash cycle in coffee, where farmers receive cash for their crop once a year. The medical fund helps families to pay for their medical care expenses and operates like a Microfinance loan. When the family harvests its next coffee crop, the interest-free loan is repaid and is available to help another family with its medical expenses. Café Femenino coffee farmers administer the fund. So, women learnt valuable financial and administrative skills managing this micro fund.

Social projects we funded.
Funding of a water reservoir.
The impact of climate change is felt around the world. And sadly, many of our coffee farmers have been severely impacted by the change in weather patterns, such as the Peruvian Café Femenino coffee farmers in the Lambayeque region of Northern Peru. In this region, coffee farmers have seen a decrease in rainfall from 6 months to 4 months. This is particularly devastating at the time of the flowering of coffee.
Together with our friends and amazing human beings from Ground for Change Coffee Roasters, we have funded the building of a water reservoir in the San Jose Huanama community in the Lambayeque region. This includes materials, such as cement, pipes, plastic liners, sprinklers and hoses, as well as an additional workforce, transportation of materials and some technical advice.
The project benefits farming families in San Jose Huanama to now have enough water at the time of the flowering of the coffee and to achieve an increase in production and quality, as well as ensure water for the cultivation of vegetables, quinoa and kiwicha.